Cost Recovery
Cost Recovery is still a staple revenue stream for many practice areas and to be successful you need a simple, elegant and purpose built solution. Dynamic Connect allows firms to Cost Recover or Record Costs for; Print, Scan, Copy, Email, Fax, Phone Calls, Sundries, Time, and much more.
Our interface is simple to use and designed to drive up revenue whilst allowing non-billable work to be handled. With less button presses, faster search and our ‘Nudge’ methodology built in, you will earn more with less work. Learn more about ‘Nudge’ here
The Dynamic Connect difference
Every interaction is set up for success to ensure you maximise revenue creation. By ‘nudging’ behaviour in the right direction we maximise your billable percentage resulting in higher revenues. And it doesn’t stop at the users, our management dashboards show you who is performing and importantly who is not so you can effectively manage your staff and correct behaviours that are leaking revenue.
Bing Mail